Frankish Throwing Axes on Forged in Fire
Axe throwing is fun. Forged in Fire is fun. So when the two were combined in Season 7, Episode 13 "Frankish Throwing Axes" you know it's going to be fun.Season 7, Episode 13: “Frankish Throwing Axes” (S07 EP13)No axes appear in the first two rounds of this barbeque...
Forged in Fire Beat the Judges
Forged in Fire Beat the judges is a great show that would only be better if it had an axe or three
Horseman’s Tabar on Forged in Fire
In well over one hundred of episodes of the show Forged in Fire there have only been 17 (including this one) so far in which an axe makes an appearance. Episode 31 of season 7 "Titanium Smackdown" is a Forged in Fire Episode featuring an axe. The axe is the Horseman's...
Gransfors Bruk Outdoor Axe
The Outdoor Axe is the lightest offered by Gransfors Bruk. It is one of the axe types Gransfors calls forest axes (Skogsyxor). While called an axe it does fit into one handed axe or hatchet category. It was designed in conjunction with living survival legend Lars...
Axe Types Roundup from Maul to Tomahawk
There are many different axe types each with its own unique purpose and intended use. An axe or hatchet could fall into one or more axe types depending on the features. For information on what some of the terms mean, such as beard or bit, check out the Anatomy of an...
Gransfors Bruk Tomahawk
Details on the Gransfors Double-lugged Bearded axe. This viking style axe is in their line of historical axes.
Gransfors Tomahawk
Gransfors Bruk teased a new axe, the Gransfors Tomahawk. This hatchet often associated with throwing represents an interesting addition to the lineup.
Gransfors Double-lugged Bearded Axe
Details on the Gransfors Double-lugged Bearded axe. This viking style axe is in their line of historical axes.
The Ötzi Iceman Ax
A reproduction of the Otzi Ax Some 5,300 years ago a man now called Ötzi was killed in the modern day Austrian Alps. Discovered in 1991, Ötzi "The Iceman" was found naturally mummified by the elements with a variety of artifacts preserved with his body including a...
A Nata is not a Hatchet
The Japanese Nata is often referred to as a hatchet. It's time that this Japenese machete stops pretending and admits it is not a hatchet. I explain why. First let's define what an ax and a hatchet are, starting with the dictionary definition. Source:...